
This website is a collaboration between the Listening Together Project, the Kitzes Lab at the University of Pittsburgh, and the Phil Taylor Lab at Acadia University:

This website's header image is a compilation of photos by Geoffrey Gilmour-Taylor ("Oriole in Flight", CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) and Catherine Singleton ("Moon", CC BY-SA 2.0).


Funding for this project was provided by the University of Pittsburgh Department of Biological Sciences, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Nova Scotia Department of Environment, and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. The Listening Together Project is funded by the Priority Place program of the Canada Nature Fund, administered in Nova Scotia by the Department of Natural Resources and Renewables.


We request that you provide attribution if you use this website or its media in publicly shared projects or published research.

If you use this website to complete peer-reviewed or other published research (e.g., as a reference for nocturnal flight call identification for a monitoring project), please cite it as follows:

Rhinehart, Tessa A; Kearney, John; Taylor, Phil; Chronister, Lauren; Freeland-Haynes, Louis; Kitzes, Justin. 2022. Nocturnal Bird Flight Calls of North America v0.1. doi:10.5281/zenodo.7054404

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